Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lewis and Diana News

This week was sloooooow. Sometimes this happens. My theory is that time doesn’t really exist, and that God has a machine that makes time, and every once in awhile, this week for example, his time-creating-machine gets rusty and needs a tune-up.
Diana and I went on a fun date Friday evening. We went over to a casino and ate an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. It was my first attempt eating crab legs. I had to ask two different people how to go about it. Food originating in the water still doesn’t turn me on. I had plenty of shrimp though. I don’t have much problem eating those little shrimpies.
It was a two hour drive o the casino by Cortez, CO. When we got there, the lady told us it would be a two hour wait. We had driven that far, and we just wanted to hang out anyway, so we stuck around. There wasn’t a single place in that casino where we could even sit down. I’ll tell you who that casino is taking money from….Native Americans. I only saw about ten white people the whole night.
So we only had to wait 1 hour 40 minutes to get in at 10:10 p.m. I thought about my friends who love to wait in line for food like Stoyan. We were wishing you were there with us to share the pain. Once we got in, the food was good, and the water was wet.
Then we drove home. We rolled into Monument Valley at 1:30 in the morning. Now that was a date! We really just wanted to spend some time together, and we accomplished that. Our babysitter was still awake. I told her she should have sacked out.
Mahrin this week has continued her nightmares. The nightmares change, but Diana is the one who always has to wake up. She dreams about monsters and big men that are going to take her away.
Diana asked Lara this week if Grandma Pam was silly.
“No,” was Lara’s reply.
“Do you think Momma is silly?”
Again, “no.”
“Do you think Daddy is silly?”
Lara broke into a big grin, and said, “My daddy is plenty-plenty of silly!”
Aint that the truth! Sadie spent the day jabbering. She is improving in her ability to pray. Sadie loves to parade around with Diana’s porcelain doll saying, “Ma bebby.”

That’s all folks. We love you.
Lewis, Diana, and the girls